3 Strategies to Inspire Change with Targeted, Contextually Relevant Health & Wellness Advertising

Understand the power of collaborating with media partners that deliver higher impact campaigns through advanced targeting and content alignments that maximize relevance.

Our well-being has become an increasingly important priority. In an era where self-care has become synonymous with empowerment, the modern understanding of well-being has evolved beyond strictly a diet and exercise regimen. It is about a wholistic healthy lifestyle that encompasses all aspects of our physical and mental health.

With this expanded landscape, the demand for products and services that support wellness has surged now representing “a $1.5 trillion market globally – and growing at a clip of 5 to 10 percent each year” according to McKinsey. Significant growth in brands entering the space prompts the need for marketers to redefine their advertising strategies. Successful strategies that capture market share transcend traditional methods and embrace innovative approaches that not only capture attention but resonate with modern consumers.

This category in particular demands that advertising campaigns deliver more than just impressions. They must be meaningful and relevant to tap into their aspirations and ultimately drive positive behavior change. Tactics to ensure this type of campaign success stretch far beyond creative executions, media strategy plays a critical role in achieving results. Let’s dive into relevant, innovative health and wellness digital advertising strategies.

#1: Effectively Target the Right Consumers with the Highest Potential to Purchase

The first lesson of media planning is to understand the art and science of effective audience targeting. There are abundant tools to guide your strategy to maximize reach and minimize waste. The best partners will not only stand out in syndicated research but also provide proprietary insights that dives deeper to underscore the quality of their audience. As we look ahead to the cookie-less future, the quality of impressions and value of attention metrics will become increasingly important.

Marketers in the health and wellness advertising industry can rest assured that Captivate reaches a high quality consumer with high potential to purchase. Industry leaders like MRI-Simmons validate this across a few key categories:

Captivate Viewers – “Completely Agree”
Frequently look for new ways to change up my exercise routine152 Index
Healthy Lifestyle – Super Influencer143 Index
Nutritional value is the most important factor when choosing food to eat132 Index
I often feel like my life is slipping out of control149 Index
Juggling family and work demands is very stressful for me139 Index
I take medication as soon as I don’t feel well 138 Index
*Source: MRI-Simmons Fall 2022 Doublebase

But the value Captivate brings to advertising partners goes beyond top line syndicated audience insights. Our experienced Captivate | OFFICE PULSE research team is the leading authority on the pulse of today’s professionals. In addition to campaign effectiveness measurement, the OFFICE PULSE team provides timely analysis, in-depth insights and trend data from our proprietary panel of over 6,000 professionals who work in Captivate buildings.

Top Health & Wellness Brands Trust Captivate To Deliver Results

CVS logo Cigna logo Calm App COLD FX logo 1 VicksLogo Athena logo Visiting Nurses NY Advil logo Memorial Hermann

Our recent Health & Wellness survey provides brands insightful data and trends that validate importance of targeting Captivate’s high-income, high-value audience and areas of opportunity. Let’s dive into the data representing Captivate viewers in the U.S. and Canada.

Research finds a striking year over year increase in intent to spend on health and fitness. One in three professionals plan to increase spending on fitness: up 44% vs. last year. The data is nearly identical for intent to spend in Health as well. When it comes to purchasing health and wellness products, more than 3 in 4 say cost is the most important factor.

1 in 3 Professionals Plan to Increase Spend in Fitness

*Captivate | OFFICE PULSE

As it relates to nutrition, one stand-out insight is the difference between older and younger professionals’ adoption of food delivery services. Over half of A18-34 order food through a delivery service more often than they did 1 year ago compared to less than 1 in 4 professionals 35+. The younger market is fully embracing the convenience of food delivery and with 4 in 5 ordering in the evenings. Establishing loyalty and influencing their decisions during the workday and as they come home is a winning strategy.

#2: Contextually Relevant Strategies Build Connection and Elevate Impact

As we shift beyond “who” you reach, we need to focus on how the location, environment and context in which ads are viewed influence how meaningful they will be. Strategic marketers and good media partners know that contextually relevant campaign enhancements build deeper connections with targets and drive impact. Captivate is known in the industry as a responsive and collaborative partner who will bring innovative ideas and unique solutions.

For marketers in the mental health support category, the office is a relevant and important environment. According to the Surgeon General, “our workplaces play a significant role in our lives. Work affects both our physical and mental wellbeing – in good ways and bad. The COVID-19 pandemic brought the relationship between work and wellbeing into clearer focus.” Captivate | OFFICE PULSE research supports this notion. 1 in 3 professionals feel more stressed compared to a year ago. With a striking 66% stating the current economic climate has impacted their mental health (+16% YOY) with food and gas prices being the leading factors. Brands who are able to offer support and reach these audiences at the office during the workday will have the most impact.

1 in 3 Professionals Feel More Stressed Than A Year Ago

*Captivate | OFFICE PULSE

Professionals are seeking support and open to explore solutions. 1 in 4 have downloaded a mental health app or purchased a device to deal with mental health challenges. For HR professionals and healthcare marketers, there is great data around professional’s opinions of their healthcare plans, mental health resources offered etc. For example, 4 in 5 wish their employer provided more mental health resources. Contact us to dive deeper into the research.  

OTC cold and flu is another category that the environment where your ad is placed and the context with which it is aligned can impact sales. When we’re sick we want to get better – fast! Advertising preventative medicines and remedies at the office during cold and flu season will reach a highly motivated audience looking to avoid germs. When experiencing symptoms, advertising that drives-to-retail for symptom relief is targeted, relevant and effective.

What cold & flu medications do professionals take?

  • 74% Cold & Flu Medicine
  • 57% Cough Drops
  • 50% Vitamins (Multi, Vitamin C, Vitamin D…)
  • 31%  Natural Remedies (elderberry, echinacea, garlic…)
  • 27% Immune Support (Airborne, Emergen-C…)

The workplace is an environment of influence for the health and wellness category. Marketers can partner with Captivate to enhance the relevance of the environment through geo-targeting ads, incorporating data-driven creative that features nearest retail location to drive in-store sales or use QR codes to make it simple for audiences to click to purchase on mobile right then and there.

Captivate also offers custom content or turnkey content alignment opportunities to maximize contextual relevance. Health and wellness advertising campaigns can incorporate data integrations including weather triggers and our Cold/Flu index. Or align with relevant content categories such as Live Healthy, Fitness, Mental Health, Health Reports etc. All content is sourced from a range of trusted content providers including Everyday Health, APA, STAT, MindBodyGreen, USAToday, Globe & Mail and more. There are many turnkey opportunities to make ads more meaningful by choosing highly relevant environments and incorporating easy-to-implement solutions with strategic partners targeting your audience.

#3: Invest in Trusted Partners Who Deliver Results

With the explosion of new media channels, publishers and overall options in the marketplace, it makes it difficult to feel confident that you’ve built the perfect plan. While it is always important to test new channels and strategies, including tried and true, trusted partners who reach the highest quality audience and deliver results ensures you’ll never go wrong. Captivate connects brands with the high purchase intent audiences in brand-safe environments while offering advanced targeting, contextually relevant alignments, and opportunities to measure campaign effectiveness.

Captivate’s research team works with brands on custom campaign effectiveness studies to measure success. Here are a few relevant examples:

Calm App 3 1
  • 45% Recall
  • +182% LIFT in Awareness
  • +78% LIFT in Brand Familiarity
  • +76% LIFT in Consideration
  • Over 1 in 3 Took Action
ColdFX Logo 8091 1

  • 39% Total Ad Recall
  • 14% Purchased Cold-FX after seeing the ad

Our editorial team works hard each day to customize a content mix that resonates with busy professionals. Quarterly touchpoints with viewers ensure Captivate programming is up-to-date with their preferences and engagement remains strong which drives higher recall for brand ads. Our Q2 2023 viewer tracker conducted by Captivate | OFFICE PULSE confirmed that:

  • 94% find Captivate informative.
  • 92% enjoy watching Captivate.
  • 83% would be disappointed if Captivate were removed from their building

Captivate now includes nearly 21,000 displays in 7,200 venues across North America delivering 3 billion monthly impressions and 4 million households. Elevate your health and wellness advertising campaign with trusted, industry-leading partners who can effectively target your campaign and drive results. Let’s discuss your brand goals and explore solutions.

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