Challenges and Opportunities in B2B Programmatic Advertising

Today’s most successful B2B advertising campaigns work to influence the purchasing decisions of enterprise, medium and small business decision-makers with highly targeted ad placement over multiple media channels. Winning strategies focus on creating positive brand associations, building on consumer awareness, and generating leads. For all B2B advertisers, targeting and effectively reaching influential decision-makers and B2B buyers is a challenge. Audiences are distracted and inundated with ad messages and the scope of media fragmentation continues to grow.

Of course, industry professionals have always been resourceful. With each new challenge, advertisers find an alternative path, adapt their strategies, and discover impactful ways to build the most efficient plans to maximize ad spend and deliver ROI. 

Take the relatively recent loss of third-party cookies, for example—an obstacle many agencies felt would be difficult to navigate. Instead, savvy media strategists have overcome this hurdle, and more, by diversifying their strategy and leveraging the impact of highly refined B2B programmatic ad placement on a network of digital out-of-home (DOOH) screens. These screens, installed in premium commercial properties nationwide, are able to get B2B advertising in front of increasingly hard-to-reach business decision-makers in an engaging, relevant way.

Why Agencies Are Adding DOOH Screens to Their B2B Advertising Strategies

The first step along the path to overcoming B2B advertising obstacles requires acknowledging their existence and the daily challenges of getting business decision-makers to pay attention. Although most agencies consider diversification the key to achieving an impressive ROI, there will always be a few bumps along the path to digital advertising success—such as ad fatigue, viewability issues, ad-blocking software, reliable targeting, and more.   

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Successfully influencing purchasing decisions where and when they happen can be transformative. Agencies looking for a cost-effective way to overcome the challenges of less established, less reliable digital media channels are partnering with media network providers that power screens installed in premium office spaces. Investing in these networks leverages the advantages of programmatic ad placement on screens impervious to the impact-diminishing challenges of “conventional” digital channels. 

How Network Partners Transform DOOH Challenges to B2B Advertiser Opportunities

Out-of-home advertising strategies are nothing new. For decades, agencies have placed their client’s ads in spaces that consumers see multiple times each day, such as on billboards, transit, or outdoor street furniture. Today’s digital outdoor DOOH screens are used much in the same way, displaying ad creatives relevant to a vast number of people in specific geographic locations.

Advertisers investing in the success of B2B clients find that screens in office environments are a more effective alternative. After all, digital screens are considered “glance” media, something viewers seldom pay attention to for any length of time. But experienced network providers use several tactics to overcome challenges and ensure optimal engagement and ad efficiency.

Overcoming the Challenges of Performance Tracking and Ad Targeting

Highly targeted ad placement on a DOOH network merges the benefits of an agency’s online and offline marketing strategies. Although most network providers use programmatic advertising technology to automate consumer targeting, agencies often find the process of refining their targeting parameters rather time-consuming. Overall transparency issues can make it difficult to measure the return on their advertising spend (ROAS).  

The media network providers driving success for their advertising clients provide access to the user-friendly tools their agency partners need to track and monitor ad performance, refine their targeting parameters, and calculate the return on their advertising spend. 

Tenant Data  

The best office media partners leverage tenant data to build highly targeted plans reaching only buildings with tenants who fit desired profiles. Options include company size, revenue, the number of employees, and more—all the information advertisers use to align client messaging with specific needs and interests.

Job Titles

Job title-based ad placement involves tailoring advertising content to specific professional roles within a building. Advertisers target individuals in decision-making positions, such as C-suite or owners/partners, who have the purchasing power and influence within their organizations. 

The strategy may also focus on professionals in specific industries or roles relevant to the advertised product or service such as IT decision makers. By pinpointing these high-value job titles, advertisers aim to increase relevance, engagement, and the likelihood of driving desired actions, maximizing the impact of campaigns within this professional environment while limiting waste through highly targeted, refined venue lists. 

Geographic Targeting

Targeting parameters that include geographic segmentation are ideal for B2B ad creatives with messaging adapted to specific location-dependent trends. The segment can be as broad as an entire region or as specific as a zip code. Geographic-based data integrations can also be used to enhance the relevance of campaign creative such as weather conditions. These approaches enhance the likelihood of resonating with consumers based on their geographical context, leading to increased engagement and conversions.

Daypart Targeting

Time-based targeting in advertising involves tailoring content delivery to specific times of the day, week, or even season to optimize engagement and relevance. Only about 5% of B2B buyers are actively seeking products or services at any given time. 

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Targeting parameters defined by time are essential for any company prioritizing impression quality over quantity. B2B creatives displayed on screens in office buildings during peak business hours maximize impact with multitasking executives and help build name recognition, brand awareness, and positive associations. 

Overcoming the Challenges of Keeping Display Screens Relevant

Ad targeting helps agencies make the most of B2B ad creatives on digital screens by getting their client’s messages in front of the most promising prospects. But even the most finely tuned targeting parameters won’t have much impact if the target audience has little reason to pay attention. For agencies partnering with network providers displaying ad creatives alongside dull RSS feeds or generic playlists, it’s a challenge that’s difficult, if not impossible, to overcome.  

Experienced DOOH media network providers are turning that obstacle into an ad agency advantage by broadcasting B2B creatives alongside a programming mix that is also contextually relevant. Instead of subjecting viewers to generic traffic reports or the same uninspired content for days or weeks on end, the network providers driving the industry forward display ad creatives alongside a professionally curated programming mix from well-known, engaging sources that business professionals appreciate and enjoy watching.  

Global & National News

Global and national news reports appeal to a large audience, provided the content is created by reputable sources. The most in-demand media network providers don’t risk broadcasting anything that could be considered factually questionable or controversial. They’ve overcome that challenge by leveraging partnerships with a vast number of world-class sources viewers recognize and trust.  

Business News & Stock Market Reports

Business news and stock market reports appeal to tenants and visitors interested in the latest information about interest rates, corporate mergers, the economy, market indices, financial advice, and the most recent headlines. Displayed together with ad creatives, this dual presentation creates a synergy, offering a holistic experience that combines informative and promotional elements, ultimately contributing to a more engaged and receptive professional audience.

Health Information & Lifestyle Tips

For people in high-profile positions, health information and lifestyle tips are a welcome addition to the screens installed in elevators, lobbies, and common areas. With so many professionals striving to achieve work/life balance, ad creative broadcasting alongside informative reports about fitness trends, nutrition, and actionable tips for alleviating stress helps keep all eyes on the screen.

Weather Reports & Real-Time Transit Updates

Digital screens displaying real-time weather reports have universal appeal. People spending most of their day indoors appreciate knowing what to expect when they step outside or are trying to finalize plans for the weekend. Real-time transit updates help commuters avoid travel disruptions or delays and find the most efficient route to their destinations. As the weather changes, professionals passing by these screens come to depend on them for up-to-date information that affects their workday.

Overcoming the Challenges of Formatting Limitations and Providing Advertiser Support

Most smaller-scale enterprises don’t have the mass reach advertisers working on behalf of major B2B brands need from their media channels. They also don’t offer the support needed for success, and every static and motion image uploaded to their network is displayed in the same format.

When all ad creatives are presented in the same, limited format, it’s nearly impossible for B2B advertisers to deliver the type of creative presentations that make an impact, generate leads, and drive sales. 

Media network providers that understand what it takes to overcome those industry-specific challenges offer multiple ad products, full-screen brand integrations, and innovative, collaborative services and solutions. Consider the potential impact of the following examples.

Custom Content Creation and Collaboration

Content alignments amplify brand awareness and recall by consistently reinforcing brand identity. Media network providers are turning the “cookie cutter” services offered by most other DOOH companies to their advantage by offering collaborative solutions. With the right partner, agencies can work with an expert editorial staff to create a series of custom content to reach the goals and objectives of their B2B clients.

For agencies investing in B2B programmatic advertising on indoor DOOH screens, the option of investing in creative content collaboration is a game-changer. With a team of media experts in their corner, advertisers can add weather triggers, gamification, geo-location data, custom content alignments, and sponsorships into their media strategies.   

Seamless Native Advertising

Native B2B advertising requires integrating client messages onto screens that fit seamlessly into the digital environment. The general tone and visual style of the ad creative fit the informational content displayed on the screen. By blending promotional messages organically within the surrounding content, ads avoid disrupting the user experience, leading to a more natural and non-intrusive encounter for the audience. 

This approach fosters a sense of authenticity and trust, as the ads feel like an integral part of the content rather than interruptions. As viewers take in the information, the contextual relevance and non-intrusive nature of the ad help build positive brand associations.

Choose the Right Network Partnership and Overcome the Challenges of B2B Advertising

Successful B2B advertisers influence the purchasing decisions of C-Suite decision-makers, procurement directors, IT leaders, small businesses and more by increasing brand awareness, building positive associations, and aligning specific business interests and needs with their client’s products and services. 

Although more generic programmatic ad placement on common media channels can get your B2B campaign in front of a certain group of people, only about 4 of every 100 digital ads get more than a single second of viewer attention. You need a more advanced, engaging, streamlined solution.

If you’re looking for a cost-effective way to overcome some of the many challenges of B2B advertising, visit Captivate to learn more about our expansive screen network, expertly curated content, and collaborative solutions. Submit a contact form to get started.

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