Content that Contributes to a Positive Tenant Experience
What kind of content makes people feel happy and engaged?
People are inundated with information throughout the day. Work emails, news, personal events, and texts are all bidding for our attention. This information can affect us in different ways. Some communications uplift us, but others … not so much.

The average media consumption is 7.5 hours per person a day, and the question is: What kind of content makes people feel happy and engaged, and how do we find out what that content is? We’re sharing our data with you, that can help answer this question.
At Captivate, we help tenants and guests throughout their day by disseminating information and curated content that is productive, timely, and tailored to be relevant to them. This contributes to an overall positive experience in each of our buildings.
In an Office Pulse study, business professionals were asked about which content they enjoy seeing on Captivate screens. Whatever your method of communication is—whether it be by email or by digital signage—we hope this information can help guide you in choosing content that enriches, informs, and eases the experience of tenants and guests.
1. Let’s Talk About the Weather
A whopping 94% of respondents liked seeing a Weather Dashboard, which features localized data, including time, RealFeel temperature, UV index, pollen count and humidity information.
If you’re considering digital signage for your building, we recommend having a Weather Dashboard visible on your screen, as people learn to rely on this information for their daily weather updates.
2. Bite-sized Content
Some 84% of respondents found value in seeing “3 Things You Need To Know”— the latest trending topics from the world of news, sports, business, and entertainment all in one convenient place. This type of information is key for a busy audience to stay informed on a variety of news items throughout their day.
Why are headlines so popular on our network? Many news consumers navigate their newsfeed and just read the headlines. Captivate stops the scroll and provides relevant, tailored news-you-can-use in easily digested, actionable snippets.
3. Mental Breaks Are Always Needed
Nearly three-quarters (72%) of those polled enjoyed seeing our “Monday Morning Ahh,” a travel feature that provides a visual of relaxing environments and interesting information about the destination, like the picture of Maui.
The purpose? Easing viewers back into their busy week by taking them to a serene location with a sprinkle of serenity. Viewing pictures of vivid, beautiful landscapes can relieve stress and provide a brief mental escape, which can be helpful during the workday.
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